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Showing posts from November, 2020


PGI which is an abbreviation of Praetorian Group  International  was a company  that was  established  in 2020,  this company  demanded  an investment  from the  public  with  a package being  put  in place. The packages  are  Silver  which  the payment is between $100-$500, Gold  package rage between $10000-$50000, while platenium  package is between  $50000-$500.000.00. Initially  I was afraid  to invest,  because  I was an eye  witness  to what MMM pozi scheme  have done to  Nigerians  who  investment  and majority  lose  their  money.  Since then  I have been very  careful  to invest in  online  programs, because  99% of online  investment  are scam. I was very sceptical  when PGI  was introduced  to me, but one day  to be pricised  on the 30th June, 2020 Iinvested $1000 to receive  $2000 and  at the time  of writing this report  I have collected  my capital  and I am now reinvesting  my profits. So far so good   I can proudly say that Preatorial  group  International  (PGI) is an